Amorim Cork

Expanded Cork Insulation & Facade

Amorim has been in operation for over 150 years and is the manufacturer behind over 70% of the world's cork products, from wine stoppers to space shuttle components.

EcoSupply is excited to announce our formal partnership with Amorim, offering cork insulation and facade products directly under the Amorim brand, transitioning from Thermacork. For over a decade, we proudly promoted cork insulation under the Thermacork name, sourced from the same trusted factory that is run by Amorim. By aligning with Amorim, the world’s largest cork supplier, we can now offer enhanced support and documentation, streamlining the growth of this carbon-negative material in the US.

Amorim Cork Insulation & Facade panels offer a sustainable and energy-efficient alternative to traditional foam panels. The Facade panels not only provide excellent insulation with an R-value of 4 per inch but also feature an attractive exterior that requires minimal maintenance. They excel in handling rapid temperature changes from day to night thanks to their unique thermal delay properties, ensuring consistent performance and comfort.

Amorim Cork Insulation is produced in Portugal through a carbon-negative process, exemplifying true green manufacturing. Over 1.4 million hectares of cork forests in the Mediterranean Basin capture more than 14 million tons of CO2 per year. The cork dust generated during production is burned in a high-temperature boiler, supplying 90% of the energy required to create the cork panels. Only the cork bark and steam are used in the production process, ensuring a completely natural and eco-friendly product with zero binders, glues or resins; 100% cork.

Cork insulation mainly utilizes pruned oak branches that are unsuitable for the wine industry. The first peel of cork oak, which cannot be used for wine stoppers due to its high resin content, makes ideal insulation material. Using this first peel cork for insulation encourages the planting of more cork oaks in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. Additionally, Amorim Cork Insulation incorporates post-consumer cork, separated from other waste, further promoting sustainability.

Cork oak farming is one of the most environmentally friendly industries. In Portugal, it is illegal to cut down a cork oak tree, which can have its bark harvested 20-30 times over its 250+ year lifespan (harvested every 9 years). The manual harvesting process ensures minimal environmental impact. Despite their dry and desolate appearance, cork oak forests are home to some of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems.

Installed Facade
Amorim Cork Gallery 007
Exterior Walls
Installed Facade
Amorim Cork Gallery 033


  • Exterior Facade & Cladding
  • In-Wall Insulation
  • Cork and Lime Plaster EIFS
  • Interior Wall Paneling
  • Sound Attenuation
  • Underslab & Roof Insulation
  • Vibration Control
  • Pour-In Cavity Insulation


  • Red List Free
  • Declare Label
  • Carbon Negative
  • 100% Natural
  • Sustainable
  • Made from recycled material
  • No binders or glues
  • Zero VOC's
  • Class B Fire Rated

Size Options

  • 14.5" x 39" x 1" Insulation
  • 14.5" x 39" x 2" Insulation
  • 14.5" x 39" x 3" Insulation
  • 19.625" x 39" x 1" Insulation
  • 19.625" x 39" x 2" Insulation
  • 19.625" x 39" x 3" Insulation
  • 19.625" x 39" x 1" Facade
  • 19.625" x 39" x 2" Shiplap Facade
  • Pour-In Granules

Also available in 4", 6", 8", 12" thicknesses (Special Order)

Declare Label

Amorim Cork Declare Label

Product Lines

Facade Board

Finer surface. Used to double as insulation and exterior facade. Available with and without shiplap edge.

R3.4 per inch of thickness

Insulation Board

Rougher surface. Used for wall insulation.

R4 per inch of thickness

1 1/2" thickness: 2.15 US perms
2" thickness: 2.04 US perms
4" thickness: 1.26 US perms

Cork Granules

Expanded cork granules are a by-product obtained during the production of cork insulation and facade boards. Solution of lightweight filling with acoustic properties for use in screeds, flooring and interior cavity walls.

R4 per inch of thickness

Decorative Panels

A line of carved decorative panels made with facade grade cork. These are our standard patterns. Please contact us for custom pattern design.

Possible LEED® Credits

  • EA1 | 1-20 Points
  • EQ4.4 | 1 Point
  • MR4 | 1-2 Points
  • MR6 | 1 Point
  • MR7 | 1 Point

AIA CE Course

ProductCourse TitleCreditsSign Up
Amorim CorkCork as a Sustainable Building Material1 LU - HSWSign Up


Technical Documents

ACI Quick Info SheetGeneral InformationDownload (86.80 KB)
Catalog - Amorim Cork Insulation & FacadeCatalog/BinderDownload (6.74 MB)
ACI - Insulation & Facade Boards EPDGeneral InformationDownload (78.22 KB)
ACI - Granules EPDGeneral InformationDownload (79.93 KB)
ACI - Insulation Data SheetData SheetDownload (4.89 MB)
ACI - Facade Data SheetData SheetDownload (10.45 MB)
ACI - Insulation Granules Data SheetData SheetDownload (1.84 MB)
Amorim Cork - Facade WarrantyWarranty InformationDownload (24.47 KB)
Amorim Cork - Facade Installation ManualInstallation GuideDownload (1.46 MB)
Technical Bulletin from EcoSupply - Notes for Installing ACI FacadeInstallation GuideDownload (46.62 KB)
ACI - MSDSMSDSDownload (19.81 KB)
ACI - DoP Declaration of PerformanceGeneral InformationDownload (10.98 KB)
ACI - Carbon Footprint Info - Carbon Dioxide Sink EffectData SheetDownload (8.70 KB)
ACI - Sound Absorption Graph With ComparisonsData SheetDownload (61.85 KB)
ACI - Thermal Delay ExplainedData SheetDownload (1.01 MB)
ACI - Shiplap Dimensions & InformationData SheetDownload (10.62 KB)

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