
Is Richlite scratch-resistant?


We would make the comparison of Richlite to stainless steel restaurant work surfaces: both are strong, micro-clean and essentially inert; both will superficially mark but the Richlite will not scratch deeply except with real effort; both can be simply buffed out when cleaning to even out the surface; both will eventually develop an attractive living patina – in Richlite’s case, the finish isn’t going to prevent scuffing, but actually using the material will break it in and eventually create a soft, burnished soapstone appearance that resists scuffing as it ages. You can’t wear Richlite out, but you do wear it in.

If you or your clients are looking for a warm and natural, FSC certified, easy-to-work on, and impossible-to-destroy work surface...then Richlite is ideal for this application. If they are looking for an eternally picture-perfect surface then they might consider another material, perhaps one of the petro-based synthetics.

Richlite is, frankly, not for everyone… it has a very boutique attraction for those who wish to love what they live with and work on. And in addition to it’s practically bulletproof, anti-bacterial industrial performance standards, I think its warmth as well as its absurd durability are its greatest selling points.

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Updated: 06-29-2021